Matt Hampson Foundation


raised so far!

The foundation provides advice, support, relief and treatment for anyone suffering serious injury or disability which has primarily arisen from participation in or training for any sport or sporting activity.

The Foundation offers expert physiotherapy and specialised personal training from its state-of-the-art gym as well as nutrition and health advice.

Building a sense of community is central to the Matt Hampson Foundation. In the aftermath of an incident which leads to a life-changing injury most people and their families feel isolated with an overwhelming sense of loss for what has been taken away from them.

By becoming part of the community that Matt has created, beneficiaries are able to draw on the experience and knowledge of people who have been on the same journey. They develop the tools and skills they need to move on as they start to rebuild their lives. The centre becomes a place where they can feel normal again and be part of a strong and active social scene as they retrain themselves to focus on what they can do - not what they can’t.

Eventually beneficiaries progress to the point where they become the ones providing the support to others. This in itself is a huge part of their rehabilitation and being able to help others provides a real sense of purpose and identity.

Matt Hampson Foundation


Browse events for

Matt Hampson Foundation



The World's Toughest Row - Atlantic

World’s Toughest Row brings together teams from all walks of life united by the same objective: to take on the unique challenge of crossing an ocean in a rowing boat.



Three Marathons in 365 days!

Elliot is running the marathons in memory of his Grandma Pam, an inspirational lady. Elliot is running the New York Marathon for Project Purple an impact driven organisation with a vision of a world without pancreatic cancer, the London Marathon for the Matt Hampson Foundation, finishing off with the Amica Newport Marathon October 8th 2023.